VCO Standard

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                                                                   (Amended August 2009)                                                                

  1. Scope

This Standard applies for Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO).

  1. References

SNI (Indonesia National Standard) 7381:2008

PNS (Philippine National Standard)/BAFPS 22:2007: ICS 67.200.10 MS (Malaysian Standard) 2043:2007

TCS (Thailand Coconut Community Standard) 670-2004 APCC Standard for Virgin Coconut Oil

  1. Definition

Virgin coconut oil (VCO) is obtained from fresh and mature kernel (12 months old from pollination) of the coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) by mechanical or natural means with or without the application of heat, which does not lead to alteration of the nature of the oil. VCO has not undergone chemical refining, bleaching or deodorizing. It can be consumed in its natural state without the need for fur- ther processing. Virgin coconut oil consists mainly of medium chain tryglycerides, which are resis- tant to peroxidation. The fatty acids in virgin coconut oil are distinct from animal fats which contain mainly of long chain saturated fatty acids. Virgin coconut oil is colorless, free of sediment with natu- ral fresh coconut scent. It is free from rancid odor or taste.



  1. 4. Essential Composition and Quality Factors of Virgin Coconut Oil




Moisture (%)

Max 0.1

Volatile Matters at 1200C (%)

Max 0.2

Free Fatty Acid (%)

Max 0.2

Peroxide Value meq/kg

Max 3

Relative density

0.915 – 0.920

Refractive index at 400C

1.4480 – 1.4492

Insoluble impurities per cent by mass

Max 0.05

Saponification Value (Mg KOH/g oil)

250 – 260 min

Iodine Value (Wijs)

4.1 -11

Unsaponifiable matter % by mass, max

0.2 – 0.5

Specific gravity at 30 deg./300C

0.915 – 0.920

Polenske Value, min


Total Plate Count

< 0.5


Water Clear

Odor and Taste

Natural fresh coconut scent, free of sedi- ment, free from rancid odor and taste



                                        APCC QUALITY STANDARD FOR VIRGIN COCONUT OIL                                    

  1. Food Additives

None permitted


  1. Contaminants



Iron (Fe)

Max 5

Copper (Cu)

Max 0.4

Lead (Pb)

Max 0.1

Arsenic (As)

Max 0.1


  1. Gas Liquid Chromatography (GLC) ranges of Fatty Acid Component

Common name



Caproic acid

C 6:0

0.10 – 0.95

Caprylic acid

C 8:0

4 – 10

Capric acid

C 10:0

4 – 8

Lauric acid

C 12:0

45 – 56

Myristic acid

C 14:0

16 – 21

Palmitic acid

C 16:0

7.5 – 10.2

Stearic acid

C 18:0

2 – 4

Oleic acid

C 18:1

4.5 – 10

Linoleic acid

C 18:2

0.7 – 2.5


  1. Hygiene

It is recommended that the product covered by the provisions of this standard shall be in accor- dance with the appropriate sections of the General Principles of Food Hygiene recommended by the CODEX Alimentarius Commission (CAC/RCP 1-1969, Rev. 4-2003).


  1. Labelling and Packaging

The name of the food on the label shall be “Virgin Coconut Oil”. The provisions of the General Standard for the labelling of Pre-packaged Foods (CODEX STAN 1 – 1985, Rev. 6 – 2008) shall apply.


  1. Methods of Analysis and Sampling

Based on Codex Alimentarius (Volume 13).